Updating the Spatial Figures of Learning






open campus, shared school, informal spaces, alternative paths


The educational institution represents the basis of civil society: any great empire or civilzation began to be considered when it developed a structured educational system capable to educate aware citizens participating in public life. Retracing the etymological origin of hte term school, the latter suggests a hidden component which should still be at the basis of the idea of contemporary school. The word comes from the Latin schola, which derives from the ancient Greek scholè that means to take care of free time. The scholè was the time in which one rested form the effort of daily life, to devote himself to study and reasoning. The proposal in this paper is that the first hidden layer of architectural education is to give back to the school its authentic meaning of scholè, place of the otium, where the love of knowledge lives. The Place on one side and the Educator on the other are the first components to update our universities: open campus, informal spaces, off-the-record paths + innovative teaching are the main tools to pursue a better quality of architectural education.

How to Cite

Coppetti, B. (2020). Updating the Spatial Figures of Learning. EAAE Annual Conference Proceedings, 226–241. https://doi.org/10.51588/eaaeacp.64



Author Biography

Barbara Coppetti, Politecnico di Milano

Barbara Coppetti, Polytechnic of Milan, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies is Assistant Professor in Architecture and Urban Design and Professor of Architectural Design Studio 1 + Advanced Architectural Design Studio in the Master in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design. She develops her research on the topics of open and public spaces and buildings with specific attention to architecture of the soil. She’s Scientific Responsible of the research "A Shared School. For a culture of happiness", coordinated the program "Re-forming Milan. Design experiments for neglected and decayed spaces and building", scientific director of the "Industry in the park - Architecture Energy Landscape" and has worked as a professional consulting for the City of Milan at the Strategic Projects Sector. She’s curator of several exhibitions, author of books, essays and articles published in specialized magazines.


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