ISBN: 978-94-92516-28-2
Organizing Committee: Susanne Komossa, Roberto Cavallo, Maurice Harteveld
Scientific Committee: Karl Otto Ellefsen, Adalberto Del Bo, Koenrad van Cleempoel, Susanne Komossa, Roberto Cavallo, Maurice Harteveld
I welcome you to the 2016 EAAE Conference in Delft. We thank TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment for hosting the 2016 Conference. Our yearly events were for many years termed “meetings of heads of schools” and were directed by ENHSA in sunny and Mediterranean, Chania, Greece. In Milano in 2015 we initiated a new series of Conferences focusing on architectural education, research in the field of architecture, and the role of the institutions educating architects. The meetings also include reports from the EAAE Academies, the dissemination from different projects,...
To keep up, adapt and challenge our education and research profiles and prepare our staff and students to tackle with a multifaceted and ever transforming world, we all have the increasing need of sharing thoughts and experiences on how to operate between existing knowledge and today’s questions in order to envision and construct a bright future. This conference is therefore a great opportunity to explore and discuss together about the role of our institutions and the new frontiers of our discipline.
The conference ‘For Example Delft’ addresses approaches in architecture education, their past, present & future in relation to professional practice and the architectural discipline. Using the example of Delft, the conference starts from the observation that the broad field of architecture and the built environment carries a re-assembled character that has lost its Modern, structured and disciplinary way. Moreover the conference addresses the issue what architecture research currently means and upon which policies Delft as an institution has set eyes, for example with regard to its...
About the conference
Keynote speakers, program, maps, participants, colophon
Poster Abstracts
EAAE schools presented their approach to architectural education and institutional profile with a poster. This opened up opportunity for mutual discussion and inspiration. As highlighted in several former EAAE conferences before, at present, schools around Europe are updating and innovating their program to prepare the next generation students for future professional practice.